What is Deep TMS?

Deep TMS

What if you can get rid of your depression without taking any medication? A lot of people will jump at the chance. It is all about a new fascinating treatment called Deep TMS.  Deep TMS is a novel technology that is rapidly changing the way patients are treated in the fields of psychiatry, neurology, and pain medicine.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive procedure for stimulating specific areas of the brain for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The treatment basically consists of magnetic waves which are going to be implied to certain portions of your brain, and it repairs the neurons there which in turn helps get rid of your depression and other mental illnesses.

Studies show that about 75 percent of those who did Deep TMS saw some sort of result with about half of them going into remission because of this.

TMS is an FDA-approved alternative to medication for treating depression without side effects such as weight gain, loss of sleep, lessened libido, and fogged thinking.

What is the difference between Deep TMS and Standard TMS?

The difference between Deep TMS and standard TMS is that the magnetic pulse is able to reach deeper into the targeted areas of the brain. The terms “deep transcranial magnetic stimulation” and “deep TMS” are also occasionally used. The type of coil employed is what distinguishes rTMS from deep TMS. In comparison to rTMS, the deep TMS coil stimulates wider and deeper regions of the brain. The FDA has approved deep TMS coils for OCD and smoking cessation.

How does Deep TMS work?

In this therapy a changing magnetic field is used to induce an electric current at specific area of brain through electro-magnetic induction. The procedure involves connecting a magnetic coil to scalp which in turn is connected to an electric pulse generator or stimulator. A changing electric current is generated in the coil, which in turn creates a varying magnetic field.  This varying magnetic field is used to induce a current within a specific region of brain.

What it is undergoing the Deep TMS treatment like?

Deep TMS is one of the quick, most comfortable, and safest methods out there. The treatment session just consists of wearing a helmet, which allows the machine to transmit negative waves to a targeted area of your brain. The sensation of the treatment is not painful at all and feels similar to a finger tapping lightly on the side of the head.

What is the Neuroscience behind TMS?

The stimulation that you are providing takes place where the maximum strength is. In navigating the brain therapy, we are using the device to stimulate the area of the brain that is more active in patients with depression than in normal persons, and that area is called dorso lateral pre-frontal cortex.

What are the benefits of TMS over other therapies?

If you compare it to electro-convulsive therapy (ECT), it is non-invasive, there is no anesthesia and no seizure involved, there is little downtime or recovery period, and can be done as a walk-in procedure. Whereas in electro-convulsive therapy it is to be performed under general anesthesia and the patient is placed into a seizure after which they may experience some amount of memory loss.

As far as Deep Brain Stimulation is concerned, the most beneficial thing is that it is a non-surgical procedure and does not require electrode implantation like deep brain stimulation therapy.

Treating Depression using TMS

TMS therapy was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2008 for the treatment of major depression or treatment-resistant depression, although it can also be used to treat other conditions. In the field of psychiatry itself, it has various uses, but Deep TMS therapy is frequently used to treat depression, OCD, Addiction, and Smoking Cessation. Depression is more common in nature than we perceive in our society. One out of every six adults will have some kind of depression at some point in their life. As far as depression is concerned there is no age barrier as it can happen at any age. As per world health organization data depression is the number one most disabling condition throughout the world. While two-third of the patients respond to traditional anti-depressants but one-third we called treatment resistant. Treatment resistant are the ones who have largely failed to respond to medications and psychotherapy.

In navigating the brain therapy, we are using the device to stimulate the area of the brain that is more inactive in patients with depression as compared to normal people, and that area is called “dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex” or DLPFC.


Treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) using TMS 

The US Food and Drug Administration authorized the use of TMS in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in 2018. Exposure and response prevention, a type of cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of the two will be helpful for about 70% of OCD sufferers. These therapies have been used extensively to treat OCD for more than 30 years, and research studies supporting their efficacy are available.

Alternatives, however, have been few for those who do not benefit from these therapies or who only notice a modest improvement in their symptoms. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) has become a new therapeutic option for OCD over the past ten years, evolving from a totally experimental therapy to a more widely used therapy supported by studies proving its efficacy. TMS does not require surgery and is getting more and more common at neighborhood clinics.

Treating Smoking Addiction using TMS

The only non-invasive medical device, FDA-approved for temporary smoking cessation is Deep TMS.  It lessens tobacco cravings and improves cognitive control by stimulating neurons in the prefrontal cortex and bilateral insula with electromagnetic pulses. Deep TMS can be easily incorporated into the patient’s daily routine and has been demonstrated to be well-tolerated, with minimal systemic side effects.

All the above treatments are available with Tulasi Healthcare, where we have an expert team to cater to the needs of patients. Treatment is done with high standard deep TMS device which has got coils pertaining to the needs of patients with Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Smoking Cessation. For further details and information regarding deep TMS therapy call us at 8800000255 or mail us at [email protected]



Deep TMS is a novel technology that is rapidly changing the way patients are treated in fields of psychiatry, neurology and pain medicine. The treatment basically consists of magnetic waves which are going to be implied to certain portions of your brain, and it repairs the neurons there which in turn helps get rid of your depression and other mental illnesses.

Deep TMS is currently FDA-cleared to treat the major depressive disorder (MDD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and smoking cessation.

Deep TMS is highly beneficial for treatment resistant mental health patients. Treatment resistant are the ones who have largely failed to respond to medications and psychotherapy.

Although, deep transcranial magnetic stimulation (deep TMS) is a safe and non-invasive therapy. Minor side effects are seen here and there. Moreover, individuals may consult their psychiatrist or doctor to discuss the accompanying side effects in detail.

The difference between Deep TMS and standard TMS is that the magnetic pulse is able to reach deeper into the targeted areas of brain. The terms "deep transcranial magnetic stimulation" and "deep TMS" are also occasionally used. The type of coil employed is what distinguishes rTMS from deep TMS. In comparison to rTMS, the deep TMS coil stimulates wider and deeper regions of the brain. The FDA has approved deep TMS coils for OCD and smoking cessation.

dTMS - Tulasi Neuro Modulation Lab

Deep transcranial magnetic stimulation. Tulasi Neuro Modulation Lab offer cutting edge treatment dTMS  for depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD, among others. 

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