Publications by Tulasi Healthcare

Tulasi Healthcare is a group of mental health establishments (MHEs) and rehabilitation facilities for psychiatric disorders and substance abuse in Delhi and Gurgaon. With over 200 beds across 3 centers, we are one of the largest such provider in northern India. We have a team of 8 full-time psychiatrists and over 25 psychologists who are supported by addiction counselors, health workers, and other medical and paramedical staff.

pollution and mental health

Dr Gorav Gupta, Senior Psychiatrist and CEO, Tulasi Healthcare New Delhi shares how constant exposure to polluted air can lead to psychological problems.

Dr Gorav states that preventing social media use will enhance one’s health as physical activities will increase once social media addiction decreases. “Less screen time implies fruitful time spent exercising, reducing sedentary behaviour that causes problems like obesity, bad posture, or eye strain.  

workplace stress

Dr Gorav Gupta, CEO and Senior Psychiatrist, Tulasi Healthcare shares that symptoms of occupational burnout include exhaustion, weak performance at the workplace, and low involvement in tasks, this not only affects mental well-being but also affects performance at the workplace.

hormones and mental health

Dr Gorav Gupta, CEO & Senior Psychiatrist, Tulasi Healthcare, Gurugram shared how hormones impact our mental health. Scroll down to learn the influence of hormones on our mental health.

male mental health

डॉ गौरव गुप्ता ,साइकैटरिस्ट, डायरेक्टर तुलसी हेल्थ केयर के अनुसार, मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं से पीड़ित पुरुष कई बार यह स्वीकार ही नहीं करते कि वह इस दौर से गुजर रहे हैं। ना ही किसी की मदद लेने की इच्छा रखते हैं। इस आर्टिकल में हम मानसिक स्वास्थ्य समस्या से पुरुषों के शारीरिक और मानसिक लक्षणों और कारणों पर नजर डालेंगे।

world mental health day

Setting boundaries is key to protecting mental health. Learn to say no to overwhelming commitments, prioritize self-care, and prevent burnout by maintaining a balanced lifestyle, advises Dr. Gorav Gupta, CEO & Senior Psychiatrist, Tulasi Healthcare, Gurgaon. 

anxiety of fertility treatment

Setting boundaries is key to protecting mental health. Learn to say no to overwhelming commitments, prioritize self-care, and prevent burnout by maintaining a balanced lifestyle, advises Dr. Gorav Gupta, CEO & Senior Psychiatrist, Tulasi Healthcare, Gurgaon. 

how to utilise therapy session

We spoke to Dr. Gorav Gupta, CEO & Senior Psychiatrist at Tulasi Healthcare, Gurugram, as he shared his insights on how to fully utilise the time and get the best out of each session.

According to Dr Gorav Gupta, CEO and Senior Psychiatrist at Tulasi Healthcare, understanding how depression affects brain function is essential in developing preventative and therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer’s.