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Craving for alcohol can be explained in simple words as an uncontrollable obsessive desire to consume more, and more… and still more, until a person loses control of his senses and logical thinking. It is not simple to contain, and sometimes leads to unexplainable acts. As a result, the brain loses track of the normal activities performed in daily life. In short, life becomes haywire; there is no routine and the mind runs riot. In order to control this alcohol craving, one needs change in life to arrive at a complete transformation. For this, a number of steps need to be taken.

Honesty to oneself. If this is being practiced, honesty to others will follow (an alcohol-soaked mind will go to any lengths to procure money or the drink). A clean, honest, open and willing mind helps aid in what is termed as the process of acceptance.

Change of lifestyle. This can be done in a number of ways:

  • (a)    Changing one’s friends’ circle. Avoid those friends who drink.
  • (b)   Avoid going to parties or gatherings where liquor will be served.
  • (c)    If one cannot avoid certain such places, make sure a friend who does not drink and understands you accompanies you.If possible, take your sponsor along. (A sponsor is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous {AA} group, who acts as your mentor and guide after you join the group.)
  • (d)   Chart out a daily routine to be followed religiously. Fill up your day completely as an idle mind is the devil’s workshop. Remain calm at all times.

AA meetings. A meeting a day keeps the disease at bay. Do not repress yourself at AA meetings. Share your feelings.

Keep in touch with your therapist on a regular basis, and your sponsor on a daily basis. Talk to your sponsor at least once a day.

Keep a list of numbers of senior AA members to call up in troubling situations when your sponsor is not available.

Do not, at any cost, keep liquor at home.

Say a firm “NO” to that lethal first drink.

Keep the AA booklet “Meeting in Your Pocket” containing the steps, traditions, preamble and the promises in our pocket or wallet at all times. Read the booklet whenever the craving begins creeping up.

Make all efforts aimed the parents/family members/guardians happy. This will go a long way in distracting your mind.

Resign yourself to the fact the process of recovery is lifelong, and that no matter what, you cannot have a drink in this lifetime.

  • Stress is another major factor here. One has to take certain steps to avoid such situations that could lead to disaster.
  • Adjusting the work environment here helps a person to function smoothly. On the home front, efforts can be made to improve relations with family members.
  • Physical exercise goes a long way to control alcohol craving, as long as one does not go in for competitive sports. Such activities can include going for walks, jogging, cycling, swimming, and the like. Other activities, such as going to movies, reading books, listening to soothing music, gardening, sharing one’s feelings with good friends also play a significant role.
  • Prayer and Meditation: This is one of the most important aspects to keep one’s impulsive desires (read craving) at bay. A person should also take time off daily to meditate, to clear one’s mind and focus on serenity. Activities such as Yoga, Reiki or Tai Chi help relax the body of tension and hence, control craving.
  • Diet: Another significant point. Eat a well-balanced diet. Eat slowly, enjoy your food in a pleasant atmosphere, and reduce your intake of caffeine, sugar and salt. Keep your stomach full at all times.
  • Naptime: A 10-minute nap on a stressful day can work wonders.

Contributed  by RG Narayan –recovering alcoholic

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